About The Author
Desirée van Welsum
Desirée is Dutch but lives in the United States. She is a PhD economist by training, and has worked and lived in six countries in her roles as a senior economist and economic policy adviser for the United Nations, World Bank, OECD, the RAND Corporation and other organizations. She speaks four languages.
Following some serious health incidents, Desirée and her husband Jonathan drastically changed their busy “always-on” lifestyle, buying a boat and traveling extensively up and down the U.S. East Coast and to the Bahamas, and moving from New York City to Washington D.C., to South Florida. After COVID hit, they bought an RV and headed out on their first extended road trip to explore the United States with their four rescued Beagles: Cagney and Lacey, Starsky (Hutch passed away), and Olivia Benson. They have now completed their third eight-month road trip, have visited all of the Lower 48 states, and are planning their next trip which will take them to Canada. Desirée started writing about their travels while on the road and has just published her first two travel books which were entirely written on her iPhone, and all photographs were also taken on her iPhone. Knowing from experience that “tomorrow is not promised,” she is determined to make the most of every day and hopes to inspire others to do the same.
Some fun facts about me:
I used to be a horse rider in Europe (dressage).
I worked at Disneyland Paris (France) when I was a student (in the on-site call center).
I used to have three bunnies, 2 (Ponponne and Biscotte) who commuted between Paris and Geneva with me and then moved with me to New York City where we adopted a 3rd one (Oscar).
I love crime novels, movies, and TV shows, and I often listen to old episodes of Forensic Files on the road.
Our Beagles are all named after TV detectives: Cagney and Lacey, Starsky (Hutch passed away), and Olivia Benson.
I love Bruce Springsteen and have seen him in concert many times, in several different countries.
I don’t eat meat or wheat (gluten-free).
My go-to cocktail is a Gin & Diet Tonic.
I prefer savory snacks to sweet treats, but I do like dark Chocolate (usually seasalt Lindt).
I played the recorder and the clarinet when I was young, but I wish I could play the piano or the acoustic guitar.
My first car was an Audi 80 (stick shift).
I can never remember a movie or TV show I have seen (but I remember I loved Bridges of Madison County, Shawshank Redemption, and Out of Africa).
During Covid I did a ton of jigsaw puzzles.
I hate being cold - so we chase the 70 degree weather :-)